Thursday, March 6, 2014

2012 Down Syndrome Track at AutismOne

Here are links to the presentations from the DS Track at the 2012 AutismOne Conference:

Jane and Lydia Winans share the stage
The Dawn of a New Decade
Jane Winans, parent of a thriving child with Down syndrome, shares her journey and discusses biomedical options she used for her daughter. Hear from 9-year old, Lydia, in this moving opening session designed to enlighten and empower parents
Jane Winans, MA and Lydia Winans

(This video starts in the MIDDLE so you'll need to fast forward to the middle to see the beginning.) Dr. Schwartz will review the history and scientific research documenting the benefit of nutrient support in Down Syndrome. He will explain low risk, high gain interventions to: optimize nutrition and supplementation; monitor and support thyroid; choose first line, functional lab tests; avoid environmental toxins; and support detoxification. These are the building blocks needed to form a solid foundation upon which your child may flourish.
Norm Schwartz, MD

Down Syndrome (DS) results from an extra copy of chromosome 21, including a number of genes on this chromosome that affect antioxidant status and methylation capacity, especially in neurons. These two factors are critical for epigenetic regulation of neural development, and are amenable to biomedical interventions. Dr. Deth will review the factors that contribute to trisomy, as well as the molecular implications of increased gene dosage for neurodevelopment and their relationship to metabolic treatment options.
Richard C. Deth, PhD

Dr. Usman captivates the audience.
Dr. Anju Usman will explain the next level of biomedical healing including optimizing a healthy gut-brain connection, and nutrients for brain repair and neurogenesis, which is the brain's ability to create new brain cells and new connections.
Jill Rabin will instruct participants on paving the path to good communication and articulate speech for their children with Down Syndrome, using proper medical intervention and assessment; optimal nutrition and supplementation; and the facilitation of oral motor, feeding, and language skills.
Jill Rabin, MS, CCC-SLP

Alison Wimmer will explain the fundamentals of neurodevelopment and why it works beautifully with the holistic approach to DS treatment, allowing children with developmental challenges to succeed and exceed expectations. She will also discuss how lack of function or development does not indicate a lack of potential: Each individual should be provided with opportunities based on a perception of unlimited potential.
Alison Wimmer